Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Usability Testing - First Iteration

Once users had a chance to experience the data glove they were given the following questionnaire.

Tangibility and Computing – User Questionnaire

Please take a few minutes to complete the following survey, Thank you. Circle the answer that is most appropriate

  • Gender:
  1. M
  2. F

  • Age:

  1. Novice
  2. Less Than Average
  3. Average
  4. More Than Average
  5. Expert

  • What is your impression of the data glove?
  1. Dissatisfactory
  2. Indifferent
  3. Enthusiastic

  • How would you rate the ease of use of the data glove?
  1. Difficult
  2. Neither Easy nor Difficult
  3. Easy

  • How would you rate the time needed adjusting to use the data glove?
  1. Required more time than needed
  2. Marginal
  3. Required less time than I had hoped

  • How much likely are you to use it again?
  1. Not Likely
  2. Not Sure
  3. Most Likely

  • Would you recommend the glove to your peers/colleagues/etc?
  1. No
  2. I have mixed feelings about it
  3. Yes

  • Overall how pleased were you with the end product:
  1. This is noting new, I could have done the same
  2. Indifferent
  3. It was very cool
  • How immersed were you in the computing experience?
  1. Not at all
  2. Somewhere in between real and imaginary
  3. I was in cyber space

  • How easy was it for you to get a sense of orientation for objects in the virtual world?
  1. I needed a compass
  2. Somewhat alright
  3. I knew exactly where everything was

  • Which aided your sense of orientation more?
  1. Touch
  2. Visuals

  • How interactive would you consider the experience?
  1. Not Very
  2. Somewhat
  3. Very Interactive Indeed

  • How much did the visual element help in your experience?
  1. Not At All
  2. Somewhat
  3. Very Much So

  • How much did the tactile feedback help in your experience?
  1. Not At All
  2. Somewhat
  3. Very Much So

  • Were you able to distinguish the size of an object?
  1. Not At All
  2. Somewhat
  3. Very Much So

  • Were you able to distinguish sizes between two objects?
  1. Not At All
  2. Somewhat
  3. Very Much So

  • Were you able to distinguish the shape of an object?
  1. Not At All
  2. Somewhat
  3. Very Much So

  • Were you able to distinguish between two different shapes?
  1. Not At All
  2. Somewhat
  3. Very Much So

  • Describe in your own words what you disliked about the glove, either the hardware or software aspect of it.

  • Given you had the opportunity to add to this device, what suggestions would you provide?

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